A Different Kind of Wall

    Photo attached: Kerri Haberlin (The Walls Project), Artist Deirdre Breen, Killian Phelan (Ashgrove Transport), Martin O’Shea (Rent-A-Box), Ciaran O’Neill (The Forum), John O Connell (The Walls Project), Linda Byrne (The Forum).

    The team at Waterford Walls has hardly been able to contain its excitement this week as it brings another exciting artwork to the city. This time it’s a wall with a bit of a difference as artist Curtis Hylton, a regular collaborator with The Walls Project, has created a beautiful mural on a re-purposed shipping container.

    The container has been moved to The Walls Project’s new HQ at The Forum Studios where it will be put to good use as storage for the ever-expanding organisation. The team has expressed its thanks to sponsor Martin O’Shea of Rent-a-Box as well as Peter Brennan of Ashgrove Transport, Ciaran O’Neill of the Forum and Cantec Waterford.

    This year Waterford Walls has brought an extended programme to the city and county with projects in Ballybeg, The Apple Market, O’Connell Street, The Forum and Plunkett Station from visiting artists Zabou, Nean, Beerens, Curtis Hylton, Deirdre Breen and David De La Mano. For more information about upcoming plans, please visit Waterford Walls website at www.waterfordwalls.ie or connect with them on Social Media. Waterford Walls and The

    Walls Project are supported by Waterford Council, The Arts Council and Rethink Ireland.



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