Locals urged to clean their areas

    Picture shows from left Keelin Ní Dhuibhir; Evan Caisil; Alice Sincléir; Jamie Ó Dubhthaigh;;Tom Ó Scannail;and Emma NÍ Chathasaigh, 4th class pupils from Gaelscoil Thaobh Na Coille,Stepaside,Co Dublin launching An Taisce's National Spring Clean 2019 with a nationwide call to volunteers and communities across Ireland to register for this year’s anti-litter campaign.Register at www.nationalspringclean.org Pic:Naoise Culhane

    Registrations are now open for National Spring Clean 2022, which is calling all communities in Waterford to register for Ireland’s largest and longest anti-litter campaign and make a tangible impact on our environment.

    National Spring Clean is operated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce in partnership with Local Authorities and supported by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment and Mars Wrigley Ireland.

    The National Spring Clean traditionally takes part in the month of April every year to spruce up the country ahead of summer. And for the past 23 years, 85,000 clean-ups have been organised with volunteers dedicating a total of 12 million hours to remove around 42,000 tonnes of litter across the country.

    National Spring Clean 2021 was the biggest and the longest campaign so far, taking place between March and August.

    The National Spring Clean programme is inviting people to visit the website at www.nationalspringclean.org.


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